Category: News

Supporting Sustainability Projects

The legacy of Students’ Green Fund

The funding for Students’ Green Fund projects might be over. But, as our new report shows, the projects have left an incredible legacy across our student movement, and continue to make an impact. We’re really proud to be able to publish our full report on Students’ Green Fund – demonstrating the incredible impact which our movement’s 25 transformational sustainability…
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Appreciating the value of Fairtrade

All of us try to support Fairtrade products whenever we can, and our ethical supply chain work at NUS helps students’ unions to ensure that the products they sell are responsibly sourced. It’s great to know that producers are getting fair compensation for their work when we buy Fairtrade, but how much do we really…
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A trusted agency for low carbon homes

Our Homes Fit For Study report showed just how bad some student housing can be. Cold and damp, with exploitative landlords, the negative impact accommodation like this has on student welfare is obvious. But this is a massive sustainability issue too. If you’ve got issues with cold and damp, you’ve got issues with energy-efficiency. And that means…
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Challenging assumptions about ethical food

A lot of people don’t think about the social and environmental impacts of their eating habits. It’s easy to pick up what you want from a supermarket, without having to think about how it got there, or what it potential negative effects it may have caused around the world. But even for people who try…
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How do we really encourage behaviour change?

A huge part of what we do through our sustainability work is get students into positive energy saving habits, putting our education system at the heart of an energy-efficient society. But we can always be more effective, more targeted, and more impactful. And that’s exactly what new work at the University of Bristol Students’ Union…
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Cutting food waste with a Big Stew

Volunteers from Sheffield’s two universities and the City College cooked up a free, tasty meal to feed more than 1000 people last week. The ‘Big Stew’ took place at three sites across the city, and aimed to bring issues of food waste and food poverty to the forefront of people’s minds. The stew was made…
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Bringing sustainability into the kitchen at Sheffield College

Food sustainability is about much more than growing your own vegetables. Starting in community allotments, it extends throughout procurement, lifestyle, food waste, food poverty, social cohesion, and much more. Sheffield on a Plate embodies this holistic approach to food sustainability, reaching a potential audience of 100,000 students, embedding positive eating habits across the entire city.…
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Celebrating our work at the House of Lords

We’re celebrating the positive impact of Students’ Green Fund with a parliamentary reception at the House of Lords, bringing together all 25 projects with NUS president Toni Pearce. Our £5 million fund is supporting transformative greening action right across the country, embedding sustainability into the core purpose of education. 80 per cent of you tell…
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Campus wide waste audit shocks Falmouth and Exeter students into action

You might have a huge number of recycling bins across your campus, but how sure can you be that people are using them effectively? At Falmouth and Exeter Students’ Union, students involved in The Green Living Project teamed up with the Raw Foundation to carry out a full two days waste audit across their Penryn…
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